Quantum Curious just went into beta.

If you’re curious about Quantum Computing, then check it out at https://quantumcurious.org/

Even more, at the right time. This fascinating field is emerging from the lab and steadily progressing toward commercial viability.

Getting you up to speed with a variety of online learning opportunities, customized to your background, is the goal.

New Learning Resource for Beginners

Fueled by a consistent string of advancements coming from labs across the globe, Quantum Computing is at an inflection point. If you want to know more about this fascinating field, then have a look at Quantum Curious. It’s a highly time effective way to get you up to speed on this vibrant industry and its players.

You’ll find a variety of online learning opportunities, including upcoming events from around the globe, chosen especially for newbies. Even more, if you fill out a one-minute one-page questionnaire, the site customizes its content to fit your background.