Captain Hoff (Steve Hoffman) is giving a talk on 40 Rules for Hiring, Firing & Inspiring Employees at General Assembly located at 225 Bush Street in San Francisco.

Don’t miss this admission free event on Nov 16, 2017 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM.

Every venture capitalist will tell you that the key to building a billion-dollar business is hiring the right people — especially at the beginning. Who you hire at the start will make or break your company. The talk will cover…

* How do you find the right people?
* What qualities do you look for?
* What questions do you ask during the interview?
* When do you fire them?
* And how do you inspire them?

Steve Hoffman is an angel investor, LP in August Capital, serial entrepreneur, and author of the book Make Elephants Fly: The Process of Radical Innovation. Hoffman is also the Captain & CEO of Founders Space, one of the world’s leading incubators and accelerators, with over 50 partners in 22 countries.


The Book (United States)

Hardcover | Ebook | Audiobook | Author

Make Elephants Fly reveals the process of radical innovation. Drawing on case studies from the most innovative startups in Silicon Valley, this step-by-step guide shows you how to develop, validate and launch your next huge idea.

Why It’s Important

In today’s world, everyone will need to innovate to stay competitive. It doesn’t matter if you’re a startup founder, corporate executive, small business owner, freelancer or professional, there’s a technology out there that’s going to upend your industry. And if you aren’t able to harness it to your advantage, someone else will. Innovation is no longer an option–-it’s the price of admission into the business world.

What You’ll Learn

The book is designed to help you implement the same innovation methodologies and processes as Silicon Valley startups. It will teach you exactly how startups come up with breakthrough products and services. What are the methods entrepreneurs use to innovate? How do you structure innovation teams? What are the best ways to identify and vet new ideas? What does it take to foster a culture of innovation? And how can you put in place a process of innovation throughout your organization?