Lyne Noella

Lyne Noella

by Lyne Noella, CEO, WavePlay LLC

Are you interested in gaining more media coverage without spending an extra penny? Understanding the basics of relationship marketing can help you reach that goal. I’m going to assume that you know the basics of writing and distributing a news release. If not, have a member of your staff enroll in a local community college to ensure your approach is in line with what editors expect. That being said, the best way to get ink is to invest in quality relationships.

Editors, bloggers and your other media targets are interested only in news that is vital and helpful to their readers, viewers, listeners and followers. This tells you to select your news release topics, and how you share them, based on the editor’s goals and preferences. By providing content, information, ideas, and access to experts that helps editors communicate effectively with their audience, you are, in essence, working for the editor while advancing your own interests. You pay nothing for the resulting publicity while the editor provides useful information to his/her readers–everyone wins!

To provide content that is attractive to editors, do your research and focus on developing a high-quality relationship. Read, view or otherwise become familiar with the editors’ publications, blogs and outlets. Engage with the editor’s community and send an email, from time to time, to the editor to share a comment or to express your appreciation for an insightful story. Provide news releases, story ideas, and information on a regular basis–communications that editors can appreciate and, without much editing, distribute to their audiences. Finally, if the editor has a request of any kind, follow through immediately and thoroughly. The more you add value to the relationship with the editor, the more ink you will see featuring your firm’s news, people and ideas.