Category: Book Reviews (Page 1 of 8)

10,000 Startups: Legal Strategies For Startup Success by Roger Royce

Every entrepreneur should read this 10,000 Startups: Legal Strategies For Startup Success.

Roger Royse has practiced law since 1984 and has been working with Silicon Valley startups since 1991. During that time, Roger has counseled thousands of companies, many of which went on to successful exits or grew to become large companies. All of the successful companies described in this book were helped in their journey by good legal planning in areas such as corporate, tax, intellectual property, employment and securities law. Read More...

Business Black Belt by Burke Franklin

Business Black Belt by Burke Franklin is a must read for every entrepreneur. Here’s 40+ years worth of wisdom to expand your entrepreneurial emotional intelligence…

Written to expand self-awareness for entrepreneurs who want to survive and thrive, make money, enjoy themselves, and grow personally.

From Impressed to Obsessed by Jon Picoult

Jon Picoult’s new book From Impressed to Obsessed is a must read for any entrepreneur aspiring to satisfy their customers.

Acclaimed customer experience expert Jon Picoult explains why building customer loyalty requires leaving indelible positive impressions on everyone you work with―not just shaping their experiences, but also shaping their memories. Read More...

The Startup of Seinfeld

The Startup of Seinfeld is a brilliant concept. It teaches entrepreneurship by giving examples from Seinfeld episodes. It even links to those clips on YouTube, so you can watch them. I’m not joking. It’s equally informative, well researched, and hilarious. You have to check it out.

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