Tune into the podcast episode “Why Half of Entrepreneurs Fail” on the Justin Brady Show.

The Justin Brady Show amplifies the best ideas, companies, entrepreneurs, and people on earth. Justin is an emerging tech PR communications guy that works in SEO, content strategy, PR and comms. When he’s not amplifying his clients, he’s amplifying ideas, companies, entrepreneurs, and people in the larger community.

Steve Hoffman’s startup had developed an interactive TV platform that was perfect for MTV. Doing their research, they found the Senior VP of MTV and started leaving voicemails but he never called back. Their luck changes after one of Hoffman’s co-founders was invited to speak on a panel at CES. After the panel, a man approached her and said he wanted to do business. That man introduced himself as the Senior VP of MTV to which she responded “I know, we’ve been leaving you voicemails!” Within three weeks they had 350k of cash in the bank from the CES Panel. What changed?